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Safer Recruitment, managing allegations and the LADO process

Managing allegations and the LADO process

About the course

An online and interactive safeguarding training course for anyone involved in managing allegations made against staff and those who may be involved in the Designated Officer investigation process.

The Safer Recruitment, Managing Allegations and the LADO Process course is also designed for anybody who intends to sit as an interview panel member for new members of staff.

The course covers the children’s services process, the managing allegations framework, making referrals and the employer’s responsibilities and managing ongoing risk.

The course is CPD accredited by a team of safeguarding experts. A personalised certificate will be made available to you on the completion of the course.

Enrolment is through our Keys To Safeguarding website.

Course Details

Suitable for:
Children’s social care
Sporting organisations
Youth charities

Sample Content

Course Details

Suitable for:
Children’s social care
Sporting organisations
Youth charities

Sample Content

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