Deliver online courses with EDQuals
Training Providers
The market for off-the-shelf e-learning is growing and evolving, and training providers are searching for secure, accessible platforms to deliver their courses.
Many providers do not have the expertise and finances to develop their own comprehensive learning platform. Off-the-shelf materials are changing in their nature, as organisations and external bodies demand more from vendors in the way of blended learning quality and engagement.
EDQuals can provide you with a straightforward, customisable, content-rich secure platform to deliver existing and bespoke courses for your trainees.
What can EDQuals offer your organisation?
Initial and diagnostic assessment
Live virtual classrooms
Live support for all learners and trainers
A portable e-portfolio to record completed courses
Flexible content formats and delivery
Live video chat
24/7 access to learning
Online learning reviews
Upload external courses

EDQuals offers training providers the opportunity to use the platform to provide learners with a more blended approach. As a training provider, you can then offer on-line learning complemented by traditional classroom teaching and learning.
Use your own corporate branding to white-label the platform and host your own content and resources. You can also deliver your own live teaching via the platform. Live lessons can even be recorded and used for learner revision.
EDQuals can provide a core of adult training such as Functional Skills Maths, English and ICT qualifications. You and your learners can access our highly qualified and experienced tutors, avoiding the need to recruit your own specialist teaching staff.

EDQuals offers training providers the opportunity to use the platform to provide learners with a more blended approach. As a training provider, you can then offer on-line learning complemented by traditional classroom teaching and learning.
Use your own corporate branding to white-label the platform and host your own content and resources. You can also deliver your own live teaching via the platform. Live lessons can even be recorded and used for learner revision.
EDQuals can provide a core of adult training such as Functional Skills Maths, English and ICT qualifications. You and your learners can access our highly qualified and experienced tutors, avoiding the need to recruit your own specialist teaching staff.